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 Curriculum Intent


Our mission statement, ‘Happy Learners, Aiming High’ reflects the intent of our curriculum that every child makes good progress and should develop their full potential academically, morally, culturally, spiritually, mentally and physically in their learning journey through Caldecott School.


Our curriculum provides a range of rich and diverse opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners who have high aspirations and who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and to the wider society.


Our curriculum is broad, balanced, cohesive and connected and it builds on children’s learning over time. In our curriculum, there is a key focus on developing children’s learning behaviours so that they are well prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Curriculum Implementation

Topics for KS1 and KS2:

 Year 1

Term 1

Sharing a Shell/Everywhere Bear

Term 2

Queen Victoria

Term 3


Term 4

Once upon a time

Term 5

Green fingers

Term 6



Year 2

Term 1

London: Then and Now 

Term 2

Who made that? Let’s find out! 

Term 3

Footsteps in the Snow

Term 4

Hola Mexico

Term 5

I Spy Nature! 

Term 6

Buckets and Spades


Year 3

Term 1

Stone Age to Iron Age

Term 2

Location, Location, Location

Term 3

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Term 4

Webbed Wonders

Term 5

Roots and Shoots

Term 6

Revolutionary Romans


Year 4

Term 1

The Ancient Egyptians

Term 2

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Term 3

How do we know the Anglo-Saxons lived in Abingdon?

Term 4

The Changing Earth

Term 5

Take One Object

Term 6

Medicine Through Time


Year 5

Term 1

Odysseus' Adventure

Term 2

Rocket, Stars and Black Holes

Term 3

Magnificent Mayans

Term 4


Term 5

Riddle Of The Runes

Term 6

People, Place and Perspectives


Year 6

Term 1

Home Front Heroes

Term 2

I Wonder...

Term 3

Justice for Jim

Term 4


Term 5

Meeting the Challenge!

Term 6

Moving on up


Curriculum Maps

These maps detail the content of the curriculum our school follows in each academic year for every subject.  



At Caldecott we support the principle of working with parents/carers for the benefit of the children and therefore we have a homework policy that has been agreed by staff, governors and parents/carers.  Our teachers will provide homework in accordance with this policy.

We recognise that children who are supported and encouraged at home produce better results in school so we will ask all parents/carers to read and share books with their children and support them in all other homework tasks.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (including Relationships and Sex Education)

Further details about the National Curriculum are here: https://www.gov.uk/search?q=curriculum


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