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Special Educational Needs

SEN Provision at Caldecott Primary School

At Caldecott school we recognise that all children have a right to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. We aim to create a happy, educationally exciting and positive environment in which all pupils can develop to their full potential. We recognise that children are individuals, that each one has needs special to him or her.


We aim to:

  • ensure that our curriculum is responsive to all children whatever their individual need
  • promote positive attitudes and individual confidence, ensuring all children experience success identify, assess, record and regularly review pupils’ special educational needs.
  • encourage parents/guardians to be involved in planning and supporting at all stages of their child’s development.
  • make effective use of support services.


The Oxfordshire County Council Local Offer for Children with SEN and disabilities can be found at: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/taxonomy/term/278

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2023

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