Home Page


Katy Walsh, Headteacher

A very warm welcome to Caldecott Primary School website.  Whether you already have a child at the school or are considering sending your child to us we hope that you find the site useful and informative.


Our school motto is 'Happy Learners, Aiming High' and this sums up our aim to ensure that every single child fulfils their potential and builds confidence to achieve their dreams.


The staff at Caldecott are committed, hardworking and caring. They provide stimulating and well planned learning for children of all abilities.  We have a positive partnership with parents, carers and our community and a dedicated Governing Body, School Council, Eco-Council and PTA (The Friends of Caldecott).


You will find a warm and welcoming environment in our school which is built on excellent relationships between adults and children.  Our school is wonderfully resourced with spacious classrooms.  Caldecott enjoys lovely grounds and children enjoy access to a wide range of activities both inside and out. 


We have a Family Liaison and Outreach Worker, Holly Barrett, who supports our children and families. We offer extended services for our families - breakfast club and after-school club -  please see our Childcare pages for further information.  https://www.caldecott.oxon.sch.uk/childcare/


We are once again able to welcome parents for tours. If you would like to make an appointment, please email the school office: admin.2605@caldecott.oxon.sch.uk. Do also have a look at our virtual school tours to find out more about life at Caldecott.


Katy Walsh


Caldecott Primary School Virtual Tour

Caldecott Primary School Early Years Tour

We have 2 Nursery classes (for children aged 3-4) and 2 Reception classes (for children who are starting school). Together, these form our Early Years provision.

Caldecott is an attractive community primary school for children aged 2-11 located in South Abingdon.


The whole school has been modernised to a very high standard.  Accommodation for the youngest children is very attractively laid out with light, spacious areas between classrooms.  The building for the older children has been refurbished to provide a dedicated music room, a beautiful library and access to computer technology in all rooms.  All classrooms for children aged 3-11 have large interactive touch screens, enabling teachers to use the very latest technology to enhance learning.


The main grounds include play areas, an adventure trail, an environmental area including a pond, quiet areas, areas for playing with construction toys and sand, netball, football and rounders pitches and athletics track.  There is a meadow which includes an orchard and Forest School area-this was developed with the support of the Abingdon Carbon Cutters and the Friends of Caldecott. The youngest children in the Foundation Stage (age 3-5) have access to a large specially designed garden with covered areas and safety surfaces which includes a large sand pit, a shaded garden, a quiet area and climbing areas. 




School Organisation

There are three areas within the school:

  • Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) is for children aged 3-5 years old

  • Key Stage One (Year 1 and Year 2) is for children aged 5 to 7

  • Key Stage Two (Year 3 to Year 6) is for children aged 7 to 11


Our classes are called by birds' names.  They are: Swans, Robins, Hens, Larks, Swallows, Wrens, Swifts, Falcons, Owls, Kestrel, Red Kites, Terns, Pelicans, Puffins and Penguins.


There are 2 classes for each year group. Teaching may be either whole class or group work within the class depending on the demands of the subject. We keep you fully informed about the curriculum and activities in each department through regular newsletters.  The aim of all our teaching is to develop the full potential of our children.


Time spent on teaching during a normal school week follows the guidelines issued by the DfE which recommend 21 hours for children aged 5-7 and 23.5 hours for children aged 8 to 11.  (This excludes daily registration, collective worship, playtime and lunch break).


Annual Report

An Annual Report is prepared for each child at the end of the school year, which includes assessments made for each area of the curriculum.  It also gives details of your child's attendance during the year.


Parent Evenings/Special Events

There will be formal occasions throughout the school year when you will be invited to school for discussions with your child's teachers or to join us for special events.  If, however, there is anything you wish to discuss, do not wait for parents' evening.  We are always pleased to discuss your child's development with you. Please make an appointment via the school office or directly with your child's teacher.



Please see our admission page for further details. https://www.caldecott.oxon.sch.uk/admissions/


Requests for Paper Copies

If you require any paper copies of anything on this website, please contact the school office, who can provide this to you, free of charge.



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