School Lunch Menus
Children can have a two course traditional school meal, which has been prepared in our school kitchen, a school 'brunch bag' (a healthy sandwich lunch) or bring a packed lunch from home. School meals are ordered online via Scopay, please contact the school office if you require a registration code.
All school meals are prepared on site by our ABM catering team. Menus adhere to the Government's Nutritional Standards and are planned with the help of a comprehensive analysis package and are approved by a Public Health Community Dietician. ABM take care to limit the amount of salt used in the menus and whenever possible food is oven baked to reduce the fat content in dishes. The menus are planned to limit the amount of refined sugar and to increase the use of fruit and vegetables. ABM do not use meat products that contain mechanically recovered meat. and aim to use locally sourced fresh meat. Children with special dietary requirements are able to enjoy safe, substantial and balanced meals. A vegetarian choice is always available.
If you receive Universal Credit (net income of no more than £7400), Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Support under PV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax credit). you could also have an entitlement to a free school meal for your child(ren). Please contact the school office for an application form.
All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal. The cost of a school meals is £2.60 in Nursery and Key Stage 2.
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