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School Uniform



School Uniform at Caldecott


At Caldecott, we want our pupils to look smart and feel proud to wear their uniform. Although this is not necessary for Nursery children, they are free to choose to wear school uniform too.


Our uniform policy is outlined below. We expect all children (of school age) to wear a school uniform either with or without the school logo. There are several local supermarkets that have royal blue jumpers and cardigans available without a logo.


Some of our uniform items are available through our school shop https://myschoolwear.co.uk; all other items including non-logo items are available through many supermarket outlets or other retailers.


Main School Uniform


  • Grey/black trousers (not tracksuit or jogging bottoms)
  • Grey/black skirt or pinafore dress
  • White/royal blue polo shirt (these are available with the school logo)
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (these are available with the school logo)
  • Low heeled or flat school shoes in a dark colour (not trainers)
  • Grey/black/white tights or socks




  • It is essential that children have appropriate footwear for school – low heeled or flat shoes in a dark colour.  Please do not send your children to school in white or coloured trainers, plastic slip-on shoes, or open-toed shoes.


Reception classes/ KS1 PE (Year R-2)

Please bring PE kit into school in a named bag and leave in school all week or wear to school (as specified by teachers)


  • Royal blue or plain white t-shirt (the royal blue t-shirt is available with the school logo through our supplier)
  • White or black PE shorts/skort
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings (optional)
  • Royal blue Caldecott sports hoodie (with logo) available through uniform supplier or normal school jumper/cardigan
  • Trainers suitable for outdoor sports


KS2 PE (Years 3-6)

Please wear PE kit to school on PE days


  • Royal blue or plain white t-shirt (the royal blue t-shirt is available with the school logo)
  • White or black PE shorts/skort
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings (optional)
  • Royal blue Caldecott sports hoodie (with logo) available through uniform supplier or normal school jumper/cardigan
  • Trainers suitable for outdoor sports


Hair, Jewellery and Accessories


  • No jewellery is allowed except for a watch and small plain studs earrings; these need to be covered with tape during PE or removed
  • Hair accessories are to be kept to a discreet minimum
  • Nail varnish should not be worn to school


Other items


  • Children will need a coat for school, a school bag, a PE bag, a book bag and children in Nursery and Reception need wellies for forest school each week.  All should have a sun hat during hot weather; these should be provided from home and named.


Second hand uniform

  • We do have a selection of second hand unform for a small donation to school; please ask at the school office for details.


Ordering school uniform


Caldecott Primary School uniform can be purchased via our online school uniform supplier Trutex https://myschoolwear.co.uk or by visiting their shop in Didcot:


Trutex, 14 Cockroft Road, Didcot, Oxon. OX11 8LL. You can also call them on 01235 211011.


There are two different areas within their website: for items bearing Caldecott logo, please search under Caldecott Primary School;  for non-logo items, please search under plain uniform or purchase from a local supermarket or other retailer.


Online pricing for school specific items:

Sweatshirt - £10.00

Cardigan - £12.50

Book Bag - £5.50

PE T shirt - £5.50

Book Bag - £5.50

PE Bag - £5.00


For orders over £70 delivery is free.





If you have any questions, please email admin.2605@caldecott.oxon.sch.uk or call Caldecott Primary school on  01235 523132





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