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Online Safety

Please see link below on information for Online Safety.  If you would like a printed copy please contact the school office who will be pleased to let you have a copy.


Online Safety

“Is your child safe online?”

E-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Caldecott. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any E-Safety incidents are recorded and managed in accordance with our (E-Safety policy). E-Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online. We do this in both computing lessons and in PHSE lessons. 

We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the E-Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


SCARF (our PHSE scheme provider) have provided this really helpful information page about helping to keep your child safer on line. 



At school, we teach the children to be safer on line by discussing the SMART Rules (KS2), SAFE Rules (KS1) and Digiduck in EYFS.

Here is a link to the posters explaining the rules we use. 





We will also be posting a weekly E-Safety information sheet about different apps, practices and issues around E-Safety. They are from  National Online Agency and are titled Wake up Wednesday. Please look out for these on the school Class Dojo page. 


Search Engines

Please note that no search engine is ever 100% safe but below are some links to some “safer” search engines:

Google offers a safer search option for children searching on the Internet click here to read more.

Pics4learning www.pics4learning.com




CEOP ceop.police.uk/safety-centre

CEOP (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) delivers a multi-agency service dedicated to tackling the abuse and exploitation of children in the real and ‘e’ world. Often it is referred to as an online 999. By clicking on the button, young people and parents can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.



The “Thinkuknow” website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre.






Childnet International



Kidsmart and Childnet give lots of advice on how to stay safe online.

Age Restrictions for Social Media Platforms





Here are some older guides from National Online Safety to help parents/carers discuss matters with children. These are released weekly and can be found on the Whole School Dojo page.

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