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Falcons Year 3

Mrs Craig

Hello and welcome to Falcons Class!


Your class teacher is Mrs Craig. I am very excited to be teaching in Falcon class this year.


In our class, we strive to be our very best and celebrate our achievements in a supportive way. In order that we can be successful, we always work with our 5Rs in mind:

  • Be respectful
  • Be resourceful
  • Be responsible
  • Be reflective
  • Be resilient


We will use class dojo to keep you all updated with news and events as well as achievements and photos of what we have been learning in class so please do keep an eye on the app.



Reading: Every Falcon should read their school book to an adult 5 times a week for 10 to 15 minutes.

Maths: Falcons will have a Times Table Rockstar login with 10 minutes practise a week set.

Spelling: There will be weekly spellings set alongside the Year 3 and 4 common exception words to learn. Please make sure you can spell these correctly in your writing and not just for the test.


Within our class

Our classroom is a happy place to learn where we work together, listen to each other and show compassion enabling all Falcons to become more confident and resilient throughout the year. We ensure all Falcons are both supported and challenged with their learning to guarantee progress across the curriculum subjects.


Learning goes beyond the lessons within our classroom; therefore, we are looking forward to working with all adults that support the Falcons in our class, aiming to give them every opportunity to develop and grow.


If you have any questions or queries, or need any support with work at home, please do ask.


Best wishes

Mrs Craig




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