Home Page

Owls Year 3

Mr Bruce

Hello and welcome to Owls class!

My name is Mr Bruce and I am the class teacher. 

I use class dojo to keep you all updated with news and events as well as achievements and photos of what we have been learning in class so do keep an eye on the app.

In year 3 we always work with our 5Rs in mind:

  • Be respectful
  • Be resourceful
  • Be responsible
  • Be reflective
  • Be resilient



Reading: Every Owl should read their school book 5 times a week for 10 to 15 minutes to an adult.

Maths: Your Owl will have a times table login with 10 minutes practise a week set.

Spelling: Please continue to learn the Year 3 and 4 common exception words making sure you can use them correctly in your writing. 


By working together, listening, and being compassionate, our classroom gets to be filled with engaged owls who grow in confidence throughout the year. I make sure that each Owl is given both challenge and support to make sure that the learning they do is the best it can be.

Learning, as you know, is something that is much bigger than a lesson or a classroom, so I am looking forward to working with all adults that support the Owls in my class, aiming to give them every opportunity to develop and grow.


Mr Bruce

Resources for home learning and general revision


Details about the curriculum we follow can be found on the following website page...

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