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Pelicans Year 5

Mrs Handa


Hello and welcome to Pelicans!


We are a Year 5 class with our teacher being Mrs Handa.


Our aim in Pelicans class is to always be kind and respectful. In our classroom we follow three main core values to allow us to aim high in our learning. We can do this by

Being ready

Being respectful

Being safe.


By following these we create a healthy working environment allowing us all to achieve and be the best we can be.


Each week, we expect every child to complete their five reads. This will be checked every Monday morning as this is an important and fun part of each child’s learning. We have plenty of books available in the classroom that the children can borrow for this. In addition to this we will also be setting a weekly homework task. More details of this will be in the Term 1 newsletter.


If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch via Class Dojo and we will do our very best to help.


Best wishes,

Pelicans class.


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