Welcome to Penguins!
Our teacher is Mr Hernandez. Year 6 is always a busy and fun year which means we have many things to look forward to. These include our residential trip to Morfa Bay in November and performing our Year 6 play in July. There will also be lots of opportunities to participate in sporting events and other enrichment activities.
We will be learning about some interesting topics including:
As you know, Year 6 is a time to show how responsible you can be and there are a range of roles you can apply for in Year 6 including House Captains, Maths Ambassadors, Reading Ambassadors and Reading Buddies. We know that you will demonstrate the 5Rs (respect, resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and responsibility) throughout the year and will be excellent role models for younger children in the school.
Please remember to bring your water bottle, reading book and reading record to school each day. Remember to read at least 5 times a week and record this each time you read. Your reading record will be checked on a Monday. We have a fantastic selection of reading books in the classroom and we hope that many of you will take part in the termly reading challenges.
Please keep an eye on this page as well as our Class Dojo page for updates and photographs.
Mr Hernandez
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