Home Page

Robins Reception

Mrs Neighbour

Welcome to Robins!


We are a Reception Class in the Foundation Stage


The teacher in Robins class is Mrs Neighbour. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Hill and Mrs Shannon as our teaching assistants.


Our Welcome letter can be found below, which gives more detailed information about life in Robins Class. 


Our Topic for the AutumnTerm 1 term is All About Me You can see our termly information plan below. Each week we will also send out a parent information sheet which will give ideas of how you can support your child’s learning at home.


Our school online platform is Class Dojo. It's a great way for us to communicate with each other. We post messages and regular updates about what your children have been learning and enjoying as well as important dates for your diaries, so keep checking in regularly.


We are looking forward to a happy year together in Robins, learning together through play and fun!


 The Robins Class Team



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