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Swallows Year 1

Mrs George

Welcome to Swallows class.


Mrs George is out class teacher. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Salter-Collins.


Our aim is to make the year that children spend in Swallows, one in which they make progress in their learning, become more independent, build up their confidence in the 5 Rs (Respect, Responsibility, Reflectiveness, Resilience and Resourcefulness) and, of course, really enjoy themselves and have fun!


The whole school rules of Be Safe, Be Ready, Be Respectful are very important ones to learn and to follow.  We work hard on helping children to use the 4 Bs in their work:  Brain, Buddy, Board, Bit & Bobs.  This is about really learning to think first or use what is available around us to become more independent and resourceful learners.


Reading homework is 5 Reads at home, with these recorded in the yellow Reading Record book.  Two books are taken in on Mondays and children who have 5 Reads in their book become reading champions.  Each week an e-reading book is assigned on the Oxford Owl website for which all children have a log-in and reading from this book counts for the 5 Reads.


Phonics/spelling homework is to work regularly on the Common Exception words.  Each child has a sheet indicating which words they need to work on in reading and writing.  

Maths homework is to work on number bonds to 10 then 20 using the Numbots website.  The White Rose One Minute Maths app is also a helpful resource and the free Top Marks website where there are lots of maths games.


We will mainly use Class Dojo to communicate with parents and carers but if you need to speak to a teacher, we are always happy to make an appointment or, if it’s a quick message, catch us in the playground.  Our termly newsletters also let you know what we are planning for the term ahead.




Useful websites for home-learning
'YouTube Kids' is an app you can download on Apple devices that is safe for children to use. It has lots of educational videos for children to watch. Our topic this term has been the Three Little Pigs so the children could see if they can find the story and retell it. 

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